Senior Consultant | S-279042
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Grace graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in Australia with a marketing degree. Eager to explore the world, she began her career as a flight attendant at Cathay Pacific Airways, fostering a passion for connecting with people from diverse backgrounds. Transitioning into real estate was a natural next step, and Grace has excelled in the industry for 15 years.

With a wealth of experience working with reputable companies such as CB Richard Ellis, Sotheby’s, and Engel & Völkers, Grace has consistently been a top performer. She has successfully closed numerous transactions exceeding the 100 million mark, including prominent buildings like Estoril Court, Century Tower, Cliffview Mansion, Bel-air, and enbloc sales on Hollywood Road in Central. Her client base includes developers and high net worth individuals.

Grace exudes positivity, enthusiasm, and friendliness, earning the trust of her clients. Fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English, she is dedicated to providing professional yet warm service to you.

Grace 在澳洲的皇家墨爾本理工大學獲得了市場營銷學士學位。渴望探索世界的她,開展了在國泰航空的空中服務員職業生涯,培養了與來自不同背景的人們建立聯繫的熱情。轉行進入房地產行業是一個自然而然的里程,Grace 在這個行業中已有15年的出眾業績。

Grace 擁有豐富的房地產經驗,在CBRE、蘇富比和 Engel & Vöelkers 等知名公司工作。她一直是一位出色的表現者。她完成了多項金額超過1億的交易,其中包括愛都大廈、世紀大廈、康苑、貝沙灣和中環荷李活道整幢物業的出售。她的客戶群包括發展商和高淨值人士。

Grace 散發出積極、熱情和友好的氛圍,贏得了客戶的信任。她操流利廣東話、普通話和英語,致力於為您提供專業而熱情的服務。
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